Stop anticipating the future

Sitora Takanaev
2 min readJan 29, 2021

We all do it. All the time. Unconsciously or concisoulsy we anticipate what is next, every single moment. Of course there are some moments of pure presence but they are rare. Most of the time, we wait for tomorrow to come, when our plans and dreams will come true. Or we dwell on the past remembering our mistakes and hurts someone brought us.

In the meantime, we miss precious moments of our actual lives. I remember so vividly when my father told me with a sigh that he thought he was writing only a draft of his life when in reality that was it, his life went by in a draft. To this day I remind myself of those words.

My father and mother in their youth by the Kremlin. I love this photo and it’s always framed in my home.
My mother and father by the Kremlin wall in their youth.

In the end our life is nothing but a string of memories. The trick about creating good memories is actually staying in the present moment. In every day life, thoughts of the past or the future, can become an obstacle to true growth. I try to take time when I am alone to to process good and the bad that came with my day. Keep precious memories of love and connection. Release anything that hurt me, but deal with it first, admit painful truths to myself and move on.

Past, present and future are interconnected so it’s important do deal with memories in a healthy way, so your past doesn’t come back to repeat itself or affect your future. Memories create the energy field of your life and in turn they affect your family and the collective. History of humanity is still huanting us, but it’s up to us to heal those memories and bring better energy into our collective future.

We think our life is a draft of what is to come, the brighter future of some sort when we’ll have more. Better house, better salary, better partner, our kids will grow etc etc. All of it is fleeting, nothing will remain but the energy you bring into this world. Our lives may seem insignificant and small but each of us can do our part to give unconditional love to all living things. If we all do it, one by one, we can help bring this world back into it’s original state of pure love.

My mother first from the left, second row. So much joy in this photo. Careless youth.
My Mother, first on the left second row. So much joy in this photo.



Sitora Takanaev

Promoting authenticity and beauty of indigenous cultures around the world. CEO and Co-Founder of Oncata